Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009

Can Anyone Make Money Online Working From Home?

Of course. Many thousands of people do. You might have friends or family members who make a living with a home-based Internet business already.

The problem is that not everyone WILL make money online, because making money on the internet takes a long time to learn, and most people give up because it can be extremely frustrating.

With over 300,000 "Internet Home Business" related searches on the internet every month, it's safe to say that there is a lot of demand for information on how to make money on the internet. Sadly, this also means that there are a lot of shady characters preying on this group of people.

I knew someone who fell for one of these scams once – they taught him how to make money online, and then all he did was sell seminars – on how to make money online. The fact that he had never actually made any money online was beside the point… I guess. Not surprisingly, I'm not a big supporter of his business. :)

posted by http://www.sparkplugging.com

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